The New “Nicolet High School”

Article by AFoxWithAKeyboard

Written: 13th August 2022

A forest presumed to be haunted is perhaps the last place you would expect to find a school, however this isn’t the case for the Nicolet National Forest in Wisconsin, USA.

The school opened some time within the past few weeks, with no permit authorising its construction. No scaffolding or construction of any kind was witnessed by wanderers or park rangers and it has proved quite difficult to navigate to.

It goes a mile off the marked paths and seems more as if it was messily placed in a shrouded area of trees rather than built due to the short time it took to appear.

The school has a metal fence surrounding, similar to that of a prison meant to protect those outside its walls. It’s constructed similarly to a run-down British primary school but slightly larger and more threatening. I doubt any child would set foot inside but then again I don’t see the world through the eyes of a 10 year old.

The school has a sign proudly placed in front of the metal bars proclaiming that they are “The Highest Rated High School in Wisconsin”. Because the school currently has no pupils this is bogus and a fraudulent attempt for students to enrol.

I asked my assistant Tye to monitor the building and he has some outlandish claims.

First off,  he mentioned how there were “12 slender figures in suits with tentacles”. Perhaps that is his unflattering way of describing white Americans. The “Playground” is a glorified cage with a basketball hoop and a wooden bench which “seems only big enough for 4 children.”

The rooms within are what make me the most fearful.

Most seem bland, the walls painted an off-white with a few tables and chairs. At the front of each, a blackboard with chalk. A whiteboard and pens would’ve been more appropriate given the times but it isn’t a major issue.

What shocked me however, was Tye’s description of what he called a “surgeons home”. He does exaggerate often but from the fear in his voice over the phone I think that this is mostly accurate. There was a table with tools spread across it, laced in blood and uncleaned. If it had a hygiene rating it would be lower than 0.

There was a plastic operation table, with a gas mask (presumably for anaesthetics). To the side, by the refrigerator, were mini coolers that looked more like bland lunch boxes. I wish for the best when this school opens in the coming weeks, and I pray my fears aren’t confirmed.

Dear readers, keep your eyes peeled for any suspicious activity in the Nicolet Forest area.